Saturday, September 10, 2011

Slice of Apple Pah-Aiiii

Taking a dive into the Joy of Cooking!  Recently got this book as a bday gift and thought it could use some sprinkle of flour and other fun ingredients on the pages.  As with almost every thing here, here's a first attempt at making a pie.

Very simple stuff going in: main ingredients + sugar + cinnamon + salt.  I like to dunk the apple slices in mild salt water to avoid getting knife marks. 
Pie crust (flour+pinch of salt.  add bits of frozen unsalted butter + chilled veggie shortening for equal distribution.  Simplified: I used a food processor hitting low, pause, low, pause... until we get a crumbly cornmeal texture.  Also an easy way to avoid hanging/breaking dough when inserting the dough into pie pan/dish is rolling up the dough and unrolling as you pass over the dish. 

For a juicier filling, precook apples (~6 apples) in covered high heat until you can smell its natural fragrance (~5-7 minutes), then add in sugar (3/4 cup), sea salt (1 tsp), cinnamon (1 tbs) and heat for 3 minutes, then quickly pour over baking sheet to cool at room temperature.  Apple texture should be soft with shapes still retained.  Green granny apples give it a nice tart kick.

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