Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Burning Fingers, Peppers, and Baking Soda

Right now my left pinky is burning up like crazy.  I just came back chopping peppers for salsa and curry and wow... definitely will have to wear a glove next time.

[Edit: Even after washing with soap the heat was still there (warm water made it worse...cold was better).  I decided to spray rubbing alcohol and felt about 85% relief.  When cooking and getting burnt, cold water helps but draws the heat inward.  Alcohol brings out the heat from the body.  Learned this technique from an old cook from NY.]

[Edit: The burn wasn't as bad, but still  felt it.  Mom's old remedy worked like a charm.  Dunk the finger in a mix of water and baking soda (50:50).  Baking soda detoxifies.  All better! =)]

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